Development of Science Process Skills and Learning Achievement Using Flipped Classroom Learning Management through Inquiry-Based Learning for Grade 8 Students
Learning achievement, Science process skills, Flipped classroom, Inquiry-based learningAbstract
The objectives of this research are: (1) to develop a flipped classroom learning plan using inquiry-based learning on the topic of substance separation for Grade 8 students, to achieve effectiveness according to the 75/75 criteria; (2) to compare science process skills and learning achievement before and after implementing the developed learning plan. The study included 45 Grade 8 students from a high school in Khon Kaen Province, Thailand, during the second semester of the 2022 academic year. The students were chosen using cluster random sampling. The research tools included: (1) six flipped classroom learning management through inquiry-based learning on the topic of mixture separation, totaling 11 hours; (2) a multiple-choice test with 30 questions on the topic of mixture separation to measure learning achievement; and (3) a multiple-choice test with 30 questions to assess science process skills. The statistical analysis includes mean, percentage, standard deviation, and hypothesis testing with Hotelling’s T-Square. The research findings were: (1) the flipped classroom learning plan using inquiry-based learning had an effectiveness of 89.2/77.5; (2) the learning achievement and science process skills of students after implementing the developed learning plans were significantly higher than before, with statistical significance at the .05 level.
Supornpanitkul, Y., Poonputta, A., & Prasitnok, O. (2025). Development of science process skills and learning achievement using flipped classroom learning management through inquiry-based learning for grade 8 students. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health (JESEH), 11(1), 74-81.
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