Using Technology in Science Education:A Bibliometric Analysis
Technology and science education, Using technology , Bibliometric analysisAbstract
The aim of this study is to reveal the bibliometric profile of articles published in the field of science education and technology. In the study, in which descriptive research model was used, bibliometric analysis method was preferred in order to reveal and examine the research trends of scientific publications on science education and technology. In the study, Web of Science Core Collection was preferred as the database and VOSviewer program was preferred as the bibliometric network analysis program. In the Web of Science Core Collection database, 2485 articles were accessed after searching with the keywords “science educat*” and “technology*”. As a result of the research, it was determined that the first article in the relevant subject area was published in 1980 and the most articles were published in 2022. The country with the highest number of publications in the related field is the USA. The researcher who published the most in the related field is Franz Xaver Bogner. The most publications were published in the Journal of Science Education. Most frequently used keyword in the related articles is science education. The study is important in terms of revealing the research trend of science education and technology articles.
Atmaca-Aksoy, A. C. (2024). Using technology in science education: A bibliometric analysis. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health (JESEH), 10(3), 230-244.
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